About YCF


At YCF, we believe that education is the basic foundation that shapes our lives and talent must be nurtured to give the students an opportunity to uplift succeed. For the next generation to flourish, our children need to be equipped with knowledge, skills, qualifications and confidence. As such, we are committed to improving education and making opportunities accessible.

We are also committed to support the multilingual and multicultural facets of the Malaysian education system and to preserve our unique cultural heritage. We believe it is advantageous for the country to cultivate talent with multilingual capabilities across diverse backgrounds to provide them with a competitive edge on a global scale. Besides education, we empower underserved communities to improve their standards of living through providing resources, upskilling training, and coaching. We hope these supports will enable them to gain better job opportunities, increase their earning capacity and break out of the poverty cycle.

YCF is merely a conduit, facilitating these opportunities, which will enable the recipients of our scholarships and grants, as well as educational institutions to excel. With the assistance provided, they can embrace opportunities and make a positive difference.

About YCF

Yu Cai Foundation (YCF), launched in January 2015, is a charitable foundation, initiated by Ananda Krishnan Tatparanandam and Usaha Tegas. “Yu Cai” [or “育才”] means “nurture talent” in Mandarin. The YCF logo encapsulates our aims which originates from the Chinese character “人” (or “person” in English) and the Chinese proverb “it takes 10 years to grow a tree but 100 years to nurture a person.



Our objectives are to advance, uplift and benefit the underserved communities of Malaysia and to promote the learning of vernacular languages of Malaysia.
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    Primary Education

    - National Public Speaking Bootcamp
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    Secondary Education

    - Scholarship for Independent Chinese Schools (ICS) Students
    - Sponsorship for Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangasaan (SMJK) Students
    - Sponsorship for Form 6 Students
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    Tertiary Education

    - Scholarship for UPSI Bachelor of Education (Chinese/Tamil Language)
    - Scholarship for UM Postgraduate Diploma in Education
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    Career Support

    - Scholarship for Diploma in Education Programme (for in-service teachers)
    - Scholarship for OUM Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (for in-service teachers)
    - Scholarship for Vocational Training for People with Disabilities
    - B40 Women Development Programme 
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    Community General Welfare

    - Food Aid for Rural / Urban Poor Communities

Our Team

Board of Trustees :
  • Chan Chee Beng (Chairman)
  • YBhg. Tan Sri Hj. Mahamad Fathil Bin Dato’ Mahmood
  • YBhg. Dato’ Robert Cheim
  • Brahmal Vasudevan
  • Ngooi Chiu Ing
  • Phe Kheng Peng
  • Balakrishnan a/l Doraisamy